Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Life gets crazy...

So it's been a while, 15 days to be exact and oh what has gone down. I won't get into it all, but I will say Happy 100 days to me, Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Tra la! 

The last month has really opened my eyes in life. I am going to truly get off my butt and stop putting up with bull in my life. 
I am going to take a course and better my work situation whether working for someone else or not. I'll get it figured out.

But right now, I'll draw...

 Day 100: 

One hundred days, it does not feel like it has been that long. Still have a road to trudge down though. 
People really don't understand the power of our minds. Anything you dream can be accomplished, as long as you are willing to work it out.  
 Day 101:

Create what is in your mind. How do you think people made the things that we play with everyday or read or drive, etc. If it doesn't come out the first try, start over and try again.
 Day 102:

The things that have come to an end in my life that I cried and cried over. It took a bit of growing up to see that they were amazing to have been a part of my life and the end of them helped mold my into the woman that I am.
 Day 103:

If you feel like a loser while trying to accomplish something, think that at least you are still trying to succeed when others simply give up and push away. 

Day 104: 

Yet again about the power of the mind. A lot whine and bitch that they have nothing in their lives and don't realize that they are making it that way. Think positive thoughts and live a positive life. 

<3 Nicole

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